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Maria Lloyd
poet og musiker/komponist
Oppvokst I Oslo, Utdannet I Paris paa Lecoq teaterskole, naa bosatt I Brighton i England I de siste 8 aarene. Frilance skuespiller og regisoer. Produserer egne kort filmer som distribueres internasjonalt. Har spesialisert seg i poetiske portretter, ofte med en absurd komikk. I England har hun utviklet et seareget filmuttrykk i samarbeid med regissoeren Magali Charrier hvor animasjon,dans og historier blandes. Den nye filmen “Space between us” en romantisk komedie har premiere på Edinburgh Film Festival nå i august. Filmene deres er vist på Channel 4 og andre europeiske tv stasjoner og filmfestivaler rundt om i verden, Filmen Minou har bla. vunnet IMZ prisen I Monaco. Maria er en del av Nightingale Teater i Brighton og lager fortiden en visuell teater forestilling inspirert av Chagalls farger som heter Roed Engel. Det neste film prosjektet hennes “Salt “ skal hun ha regi og den skal filmes I saltminene I Krakow i Polen. På Volapük 27 august viser hun klipp fra Saltprosjektet et samarbeids proskjet I Polen, "Left or Right for Love? " Og den siste filmen ”Space between us”.
Filmer som skal vises: “Left or Right for Love?”En kort film om hvodan det foeles naar en er forelskelset og flyr rundt I gledesrus. humoristisk innblikk I en jentes tanke gang og absurde droemmeverden. “Salt” Maria viser klipp fra animasjons prosjektet Salt som blander skuespillere og animasjonsteknikker.Salt historien handler om en familie hvor foreldrene sakte blir til saltfigurer og om datteren som maa finne sin egen vei. “The Space Between us” - en romantisk komedie om hvor vanskelig det kan veare a si ja til kjearlighet naar den kommer. Filmen blander drama og animasjon. Link til sider med klipp fra filmene til Maria Lloyd Videodagbok fra siste filminnspilling Spaces beetween us her og her CV 03-04 Meisner Technique Impulse company One years part time training London
02 Preparing for performance Yoshi Oida Brighton Festival workshop
98- 99 Open Camera - Oslo International film school
95 - 97 Studio B Oslo dance studio for new dance classes in Action Theatre, Contact improvisation
92 -94 Ecole Jacques Lecoq International school of theatre and mime Paris
88 -91 Fagerborg college Oslo Visual arts, dance drama and art history.
Projects06 SaltDance animation film Polish British Collaboration project Ongoing Director/Choreographer
The moon and the JungleDance film pilot project based on Rousseau Performers with learning difficulties Produced by ACT Director
The space between us Romatic comedy Animation/fiction, Digital Shorts, commission Screen South Directed by Magali Charrier Lead performer 05 Clamshell boyTheatre play for children, Uk tour Intrepid theatre Performer
Red LadiesPerformance research National Theatre Studio Clod ensemble Performer
04 Wilde for childrenTheatre play for children Sagliocco Theatre Company Director
On trackDancefilm Commission from Foredown Tower Using the Camera Obscura Director
03 WonderfoolDance film Commission from Brighton Festival and SE Dance Director
‘Left or Right For Love?’ Dance film. Take 2 commission SE Dance SEA funding Choreographer
02 ‘Sea of Silence’Quick Silver theatre Movement research Performer
SentrifugalDance animation film SEA funding Choreographer / Director
01 MinouDance film Directed by Magali Charrier SEA funding Winner of IMZ screen choreography Co-choreographer / Performer
HagoromoModern Noh Theatre Regents park Performer
www.garden of choice.com 80 scenes for the website Directed by David Anderson Choreographer / Performer
00 Las Tres Marias presents: How much love can you take? Funded by Norwegian Arts Council Oslo Choreographer / Performer
SentrifugalResearch A Dance Animation film Choreographer/ Director
InsomniaOut Of Synch Theatre Company Komedia Brighton Performer
99 PhosphorusLandscape dance commission Oslo Choreographer
Decalages absurd cabaret Toured in Vienna & Paris
Touchtone Torture Animation film pilot Directed by David Anderson Performer
98 Dark LightBAC London directed by Markus Kupferblum Performer
Decalages absurd cabaret Out of Synch theatre company SEA funding BAC London - S.E. England Performer
Celebration of the life forces Spokane USA an interactive installation Director
97-95 Angels ad hocThe landscape dance company Choreographer / Performer
The ladder dance LDC comission shown on NRK TV Choreographer
Lolly lobbyLDC production Funding: Norwegian Arts Council Choreographer
96 - 94 Lingering linesperformance in sculpture park with 120 primary school children Moving Munch Were The Wild Things AreCirca Circus - mime circus Choreographer of youth plays with live music by Ø.Vesaas
95 AtsumoriThe Noh theatre project Directed by Sophia Poznansky performed in London and the Edinburgh fringe festival Performer Projects in developmentTragic pillarsResearch project at Nightingale Theatre searching for greek tragic clowns. Red AngelLive show based on Chagall’s paintings, working in collaboration with opera and clown director Markus Kupferblum from Vienna. Through BerlinShort dance animation film, to be filmed in Berlin in collaboration with the animator Hawkins.ProfileGreat curiosity in crossing art forms and researching a “dream logic” in storytelling. Physical trained performer with a wide range. Specialising in poetic clowing. On the Board of Nightingale Theatre in Brighton,a venue for new writing, physical/visual theatre and dance.