Mike McCormack (Irland)
leser fra novellesamlingen
" Fått det på hjernen
(Getting it in the Head)"



Mike McCormack er oversatt til norsk på Bokvennenforlag sommeren 2000.


Born in London in 1965 but I have lived all my life in the West of Ireland. Studied English Lit. and
Philosophy in University College Galway and graduated fro m there in 1990. Worked at a series of menial jobs - dishwahser, floor cleaner- while writing my first book of short stories. Getting It In The Head was
published in 1996. It won the Rooney Prize for literature and was a New York Times Book Of The Year. My first novel Crowes Requiem was published in 1998. At the moment I am working on a second novel.

Getting It In The Head (short stories) 1996 Jonathan Cape, London. 1997 Henry Holt, New York.
Crowe's Requiem (novel)1998 Jonathan Cape, London. 1999, Henry Holt, New York.