Dokumentasjonswebside om Eystein Eggen, Gutten fra Gimle.


Bakgrunnen for at dikterhøvdingen, statsstipendiaten og NS-barnet Eystein Eggen har vært forfulgt av bl.a innkjøpskomiteen i Norsk Kulturråd med nullinger av Eggens uvanlig kritikerroste bøkerog for at Eystein Eggen i 2003 ble utnevnt av Stortinget og regjeringen til statsstipendiat som symbol for en hel generasjon.

Oppdatert 7.06.07

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Intervju ved Nina Tjomsland i Stavanger Aftenblad oktober 1993 i forbindelse med publiseringen av " Gutten Fra Gimle " av Eystein Eggen

Presentation of Eystein Eggen's book The Boy from Gimle in the international catalogue of Aschehoug publishing, Norway. Eystein Eggen was born in january 1944 at Gimle, Vidkun Quisling's headquarters on the Bygdøy peninsula by Oslo. Father norwegian editor of SS-Leitheft, mother NS. The year before The Boy from Gimle Aschehoug published volume two of professor Hans Fredrik Dahls Quisling biography, later known in international publishing as "the nazi bible". Publishers grandfaher and firm founder was leader of the semi-fascist Oslo Frisinnede, who joined NS for the election of 1934.

As usual the publishers anguish and vanity was taken out on the NS-children and their book, blatantly disregarding the fact that Dahls work was quickly sunk into the oblivition bottoms of norwegian politics and society, while The Boy from Gimle was uaninmously acclaimed by the norwegian press, public and Parliament ( the Storthing), the latter financing directly and indirectly two thirds of the publisher's income.

Ole Wilhelm Klüwer, ns-barnas talsmann, i annonse for "Psykisk helse", Dagbladet 6.5.1998

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