At night
the frost
stole water
from the pond.



Fredrik Lloyds hjemmeside finner du her.

Fredrik er en engelsk dikter og prosa forfatter.

Han skal leser fra en bok som heter THE HILL.

Et projekt støttet av The English Arts Council, UK. The Hill handler om behovet for mytene i nå dagens samfunn. Det er et mørk men humoristisk prosa tekst samling, som fikk sin offentlig debut i 2002 som en muntlig samling på nettet. Opptaket ble gjort med gamle kvinner og men fra Dorset i England, delvis for å bevare deres helt unik dialekt.

Fredrik has written 9 collections of poetry, and 2 prose collections.
His poems have been taken by NASA, to Titan (one of Saturn's moons).

He was also the first sms based poet service in the UK (
causing several marriages and possible divorces with his haiku style


He has moved away from commercial publishing now and spends most of
his time experimenting with hand printing techniques, sewing, folding
and glueing paper. Making small hand made editions of work.

He accepts commissions to make books of all sorts for people but
prefers to spend time with his wife, daughter and fish.