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Name: Saba Salvemini Profession: Actor Nationality: Italian Date of birth: 6th of February 1973 Mail: sabasa@tiscali.it www.areteensemble.wordpress.com Mobile: +39 339 6063758 Skype: saba.salvemini Driving license: type A, B Physique: Hight: 1.78 cm, shoes: 42/43, weight: 70, hair: brown, , eyes: brown Languages: English, French, Spanish.
EDUCATION: 2001-2007 Theatre laboratories with different masters; working texts “Crime and punishment”- “The Karamazov brothers” Dostoevskij; “Symposium”, “Ion”, “Hippias minor” - Plato; “Don Giovanni” - Moliere; “Guilty without guilt” - Ostrovski; “Thus spoke Zarathustra” Nietzsche; “The seagull”, “Three sisters” - A. Cechov 2005/06: different seminars with A. Milenin. 2003/4: post education master “Dannati Maestri” realised by Protei with Regione Puglia. Teachers : J. Alschitz, G. Borgia, C. Di Domenico, A. Strohm, B. Bonriposi, R. Tordoni , Teresa Vallarella. 2001 “Methodica” Festival of theatre pedagogies, Sweden. 2001: post education master with J. Alschitz, G. Borgia and C. Di Domenico (Protei-progetti teatrali internazionali), Vladimir Granoff (GITIS di Mosca), C. Schmalor (Akt-zent di Berlino), G. Sneltvedt (SCUT di Oslo). ’96-2000: Diploma National Theatre Academy, Genova Teatro Stabile di Genova, art. dir. A. Messeri. ’93-’94: Acting school “ATECNICI” art. direction Delia Cajelli, Busto Arsizio (VA).
Voice characteristics: Contralto. 1996 2000 Class at Theatre Academy Teatro Stabile Genova 2002 2005 private lessons with Tiziana Portoghese ; educated at the music conservatory in Bari. 2002 concert for actors with the composer Igor Ioussim. From 2007 Trompet Beginner.
STAGES: Stages with A. Milenin, D. Manfredini, M. Francia, R. Mirecka, M. Lucenti, C. Coldy, T. Bertherat, P. Byland, P. Nani, I. Algie, V. Campo. From ’99 to 2000 course in contemporary dance with G. Di Cicco and C. Monti (Compagnia Arbalete). From ’99 Taiji Quan practise.
PERFORMANCES: 2007 “Gospel of John” reading of the entire text, idea and realisation Saba Salvemini. “Studio K- The night just before the forests” by B.M. Koltès, idea and realisation by Saba Salvemini. “The Ecclesiaste” realisation by Saba Salvemini - theatre reading. “Biarteca 2007” International festival - three works : Actuality, Pacman Vs Escher II, Ristorante dai Felici spaghetti. “Better not knowing” direction F. Madonni, readings together with violin quartet. “The voice of the philosopher” by S. Salvemini and A. Strohm. Reading and games of philosophical texts. 2006 “Ione: una prova” by H. Kaletsch direction H. Kaletsch. Dialogue. “How to explain the history of communism to the mental patients“ Reading - by M. Visniec, direction G. Borgia. “Clown clandestino” street theatre direction G. Foresti. “Mr. Escher Vs Pacman” performance of music/theatre directed by Y. Avital. “A day in the life of a square” theatre performance directed by K. Bos. “Studio K- La notte poco prima delle foreste” by B.M. Koltès. “Assedio” by M. Dammacco, direction S. Gonnella, prod. Diaghilev. Dialogue. 2005 “Ritratto di signora del Cavalier Masoch per intercessione della Beata Maria Goretti” by C. Bene, direction G. Borgia. “La Controra” by S. Antinori, direction S. Antinori. Performance for 3 actors. “Assedio” of M. Dammacco, direction S. Gonnella, prod. Diaghilev. Dialogue. “Vocazione di una puttana” by N. Capra, direction G. Borgia, with A. Strøhm. Assistant director. 2004 “Ritratto di signora del Cavalier Masoch per intercessione della Beata Maria Goretti” by C. Bene, direction G. Borgia. Performance for 5 actors. Debut Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto. “Un Amleto di legno“ by N. Capra, direction G. Borgia. Debut Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto. “La casa di Bernarda Alba” by F.G. Lorca, direction G. Borgia. 2003 "Verso la Casa di Bernarda Alba" by F.G. Lorca, direction G. Borgia. Second studio. "Lontano dalla Casa di Bernarda Alba" by F.G. Lorca, direction G. Borgia. First studio. "Dimitrij karamazov" by Dostoevskij, direction C. Di Domenico. Dialogue. “Leopardi: Operette e Canti” by N. Capra with texts of G. Leopardi, direction G. Borgia. Dialogue. 2002 “Leopardi: Operette e Canti” dialogue directed by G. Borgia. “Macbeth Illusion” from W. Shakespeare, direction Jurij Alschitz, production Protei-Progetti Teatrali Internazionali. “Directors colloquim” Seminar for professional directors, directed by Jurij Alschitz. Working as actor. 2001 “Cechov Exercises” from “The seagull” and “Three sisters” of A. Cechov. Direction of the composition Jurij Alschitz. “Frammenti dalla costruzione di un amore e di un teatro” direction S. Di Lauro. “Il canto delle formiche” direction G. Borgia and C. Di Domenico. “Notte al Castello” concert - direction G. Gotti. 2000 “Non si fa attendere una regina” by M. Formisano, direction A. Messeri, production Stabile di Genova. “Le bizzarrie di Belisa” by Lope de Vega, direction A. Messeri, Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Genova. “Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni” from J. Verne, direction L. Sicignano, Teatro Cargo. “La guerra di Oscar” - Short film direction Luca Franco. 1999 “La formula”, street-theatre, direction B. Vecchio. ”I porci senza guardiano” street-theatre based on the story by Andersen, direction L. Pischedda and B. Vecchio. “Happy End” by E. Hauptman-B. Brecht, direction A. Messeri, Teatro Stabile di Genova. “Giulietta e Romeo a love story” adaptation and direction P. Valerio, Teatro Alcione-Verona. “La saga del velluto” direction P. Valerio. ”Improvvisazione a Versailles” by Molière direction A. Messeri, Stabile di Genova. “Lo strano bus”, street-theatre, direction B. Vecchio, Teatro della Tosse. 1998 “La bibliotecaria rapita” by M. Formisano, direction A. Messeri. “Il maestro e Margherita” by Bulgakov, adaptation and direction L. Sicignano, Teatro Cargo. “La dodicesima notte” by W. Shakespeare, direction A. Messeri, Teatro Stabile di Genova. 1996 “Piccole donne” by Alcott, adaptation and direction D. Cajelli, Atecnici.
THEATRE ASSOCIATIONS 2007 Foundation Areté Ensemble, president and member. 2003/04 Counsellor Protei International Theatre projects Art. dir. J. Alschitz. 2001 Counsellor and founder of “La Compagnia delle formiche”. TEACHINGFrom 2001 theatre teacher in various high schools.
OTHER STUDIES Liuc-Libero Istituto Universitario Carlo Cattaneo, Laurea in Economia Aziendale. University studies in Business Economy, Italy Espeme Lille (Ecole Supèrieure de management de l’Entreprise), Economy studies, France. Universidad Complutense de Madrid Departamento de Economìa Economy studies Spain. Classic and scientific High school - Biella, Italy